Qigong Workshop 24.06 - 25.06. 2023

18 May, 2023

Invitation to our inspiring Qigong workshop - Let's ignite energy together!

Qigong Workshop

Dear friends, acquaintances and interested people,

I hope these lines reach you in the best of health and with an open curiosity for new experiences. Today I am writing to invite you to an extraordinary journey that will help you find your physical, mental and emotional balance. It is time to recharge your energy reserves and reach a state of inner peace. The Qigong workshop we will be hosting soon will give you just that opportunity.

What is Qigong, you may ask? Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that harmonizes the flow of vital energy in the body. Through a combination of meditative movements, breathing exercises and mindfulness, you will learn to feel and direct your own energy. Qigong is suitable for all ages and fitness levels as it is gentle yet profound.

Our workshop will be led by experienced Qigong Master Yinge She, who will share her knowledge and passion for this healing practice. You will benefit from her expertise and learn practical exercises that will help you reduce stress, improve your posture, and strengthen your vital energy. In addition, you will meet a community of people who share similar goals and positive energy.

Here are some reasons why you should definitely attend our Qigong workshop:

1. improve your health: qigong promotes energy flow in the body, supporting overall well-being. Through regular practice, you can increase your flexibility, strengthen your muscles, and boost your immune system.

2. stress reduction and relaxation: in our hectic world, it is important to find a place of calm and serenity. Qigong will help you calm your mind, reduce stress and achieve inner harmony.

3. awaken your inner energy: Qigong teaches us to feel and direct our own life energy. Through practice, you will learn to strengthen and use this energy to live a full and active life.

4. community and exchange: At our workshop you will meet like-minded people who share the interest in Qigong. You will have the opportunity to interact with other participants, make new friends, and become part of a supportive community.

The Qigong workshop will take place on 06/24 - 06/25/2023 from 08:00 - 12:00 at Wuyi Athletic Gym in Heidelberg, Germany. The participation fee is 79, - € and includes all workshops, materials and food during the day. Please register bindingly until 22.06.2023,



Tel: 01736956241 

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